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About Us


Mata Gujri College Alumni Association functions as a nodal agency for maintaining the liasion with the alumni and to involve them in the development and growth of the institute.It will promote and encourage the alumni to exchange professional knowledge by undertaking and faciltitating seminars,guest lectures and meetings among alumni,students,faculty and others.Continous interaction with the alumni is expected to widen the placement opportunities of the students.The College considers the alumni’s feedback on various academic,infrastructural and co-curricular activities. The Alumni members meet for an annual get together every year.The Alumni Association of the college provides financial support to the poor and needy students. MGC Alumni Association is doing continous efforts for the welfare of students and the overall growth of the institute.

Dr. Jagpal Singh
Dean Alumni
Contact: +91 81460 00699
Alumni Registration

Scholarship Programs

Our college offers diverse scholarship programs to support students' dreams.
Apply now for a brighter future!